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Divorce Recovery and the Power of Trauma-Informed Coaching

divorce relationships Apr 21, 2024

Divorce is without a doubt one of the most challenging life transitions a person can experience. Many therapists even compare the emotions felt during and after divorce to the loss one feels when a loved one has passed away. The emotional toll, combined with the practical and logistical adjustments, can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed and cheated out of a particular future they envisioned for themselves.  

This critical juncture truly requires the need for support and guidance. In recent years, an increasing number of divorcees are turning to trauma-informed coaching in order to navigate the tumultuous waters of divorce. As a trauma informed coaching professional having gone through an especially taxing divorce myself, I will break down the benefits of participating in coaching during divorce, comparing this track to more traditional approaches (therapy, counseling) and shedding light on how it can pave the way for a brighter future. 

Recognizing the Need for Help  

One of the significant hurdles individuals face during divorce is recognizing the need for help. The emotional turmoil and stress associated with the dissolution of a marriage can cloud judgment, making it difficult to acknowledge the importance of seeking out support. We all have heard the statistics: approximately 40-50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. However, what's more interesting is the fact that a significant percentage of divorcees eventually remarry or form new relationships. This demonstrates the resilience and capacity for growth that lies within divorcees after the smoke has cleared. 

Taking a Survey of Your Married and Post-Married Life 

As divorce becomes a reality, it is crucial to take stock of your married life, reflecting on both the positive and challenging aspects. This self-assessment can provide valuable insights into the dynamics that contributed to the marriage's end. A trauma-informed coach can guide individuals through this introspective journey, helping them identify patterns, triggers, and areas for personal growth. 

Effectively transitioning from married to post-married life requires acknowledging and holding space for grief. The loss of a significant relationship can evoke a range of emotions, from sadness to anger. Trauma-informed coaching recognizes the importance of validating these feelings and helps individuals navigate the grieving process with compassion and understanding. 

Trauma Coaching vs. Psychological Approaches 

Determining the right approach to support is crucial during divorce. While therapy and counseling are potentially effective options, trauma-informed coaching offers a unique perspective, focusing on the present and future rather than delving extensively into the past. For some, the forward-looking nature of trauma coaching may be more beneficial in moving beyond the challenges of divorce. 

For example, let’s imagine a recent divorcee struggling with low self-esteem and anxiety. Traditional therapy will address this person’s past traumas but did may not necessarily provide the tools needed to build resilience and face a new life with optimism. Trauma-informed coaching, on the other hand, really focuses in and empowers the individual to set actionable goals, develop coping mechanisms, and redefine the narrative. These practices all help to build inner resilience, which ultimately leads to a more confident and hopeful future. 

The Transformative Power of Trauma-Informed Coaching 

Trauma-informed coaching provides divorcees with a proactive and forward-focused approach to healing. By addressing the immediate impact of divorce and equipping individuals with practical tools, this form of coaching empowers clients to build resilience, enhance self-esteem, and approach their new futures with optimism. 

Trauma-informed coaching recognizes that resilience is a skill that can be cultivated. Through targeted exercises and personalized guidance, individuals learn to adapt to change, overcome setbacks, and emerge stronger from the challenges they face. This focus on resilience is particularly beneficial for divorcees who may find themselves in an unfamiliar and uncertain territory post-divorce.  

Boosting Self-Esteem 

The dissolution of a marriage can often leave individuals questioning their self-worth. Trauma-informed coaching addresses these concerns by fostering self-compassion and guiding clients towards a deeper understanding of their intrinsic value. By recognizing and celebrating personal strengths, individuals can rebuild their self-esteem and embark on a journey of self-discovery.  

Getting Back to Life 

Perhaps the most significant gift trauma-informed coaching provides is the ability to face the future with optimism. By setting realistic goals, developing a positive mindset, and cultivating a sense of purpose, divorcees can redefine their narratives and create a vision for a fulfilling life beyond divorce. This forward-looking approach aligns with the statistics that reveal a substantial number of divorcees successfully remarry or form new, meaningful relationships. 

Arrive Today 

At Arrive Coaches, we work with individuals who are facing a host of challenges, from grief to divorce to difficult childhoods to spiritual trauma and beyond. You can break free from the patterns holding you back, gain deeper self-awareness, and build lifelong resilience.  

Our 10-week Arrive Method™ coaching program offers a faster, proven path for those living in the aftermath of unresolved trauma to unlock a new sense of safety, connection, and freedom.  

Book your first complimentary coaching session with an Arrive Coach today.